Oh boy here we go

Oh boy here we go.

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Oh boy here we go

There are times when I think that the people of the United States should just shut up and deal with it. I sit here and wonder why people say that Obama is a bad President. Is it because he is Black or is it that he inherited a failing economy? If you can imagine this “A tiny snowball at the top of mountain begins to roll down.” we have all seen this in cartoons “As it rolls it begins to pick up more and more snow and before you truly see it is HUGE” Now try to stop it. the momentum is to much to stop it gets bigger and bigger you can throw all sorts of stuff in its but it consumes everything in its path. Yes sooner or later it will slow down when it hits level ground or a wall. So why would the people of America want to push the ball back up to the top of the mountain, and then set that huge ball on the path that the tiny snowball started on. Now I know a lot of people and yes some of you are the 1% of people who’s taxes will be raised I am not one of those people and most of the people I know are not the 1%. Taxes should be raised to be equal for everyone lets say a straight 9% for everyone. If you earn more there is no way that you should pay a lower tax rate. Now I know that many of you out there will say that I am talking out my ass. That’s okay this is my opinion and that will be yours. I respect that as you should respect mine. This November We the people will go out and Vote sadly most of you that took the time to read the whole thing will not vote because you think that your vote does not count. To these people all I can say is shut up and do not complain you have no right to. If you do not vote you lose that right. Now I will get off my soapbox and allow you the people to voice your opinion if you like.  


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